Elections, Elections & More Elections...
Off the hook until November, or is your district facing a RUNOFF or MUNICIPAL ELECTION on July 26?
It feels like just last month we all headed to the polls to vote on Election Day, but as soon as preliminary results rolled in, many voters saw they would be heading right back in July 2022.
A runoff election was something that was confusing to me after the 2022 Primary Election and quite frankly it still is. My takeaway? To avoid runoff elections the candidate in 2nd place must be willing to accept the top vote getter as winner, or request a runoff election.
Take a look at the top two vote getters in these races:
(New Bern Alderman Ward 2 also faces a runoff)
May 17, 2022 was the date of the Primary Election. You may have been confused by multiple candidates appearing on your ballots with the same exact party affiliation, but the purpose of the Primary is to whittle down the field to one. Voters had to research candidates on their Sample Ballots and decide who was best… or just vote blindly. You can eyeball it now to determine if you’ll be involved in a July 26, 2022 Runoff Election by going here.
Here are some areas in NC which have upcoming dates to be mindful of and you can view the full scope of election events by exploring the state board of elections website.
Retrieving your Sample Ballot is easy, once you get the hang of it. You will go to the State Board of Elections website and search for yourself. Once you are located in the search, you will see your basic voter information, which is public. This means, anyone can search for you and find your basic voter information. You will see your address, party affiliation and so on, and eventually you’ll see your Sample Ballot. Below is how it appears on the website as of today’s date. You’ll have to click it to open it and view.
Then you’ll see this. See how it reads I have a 7/26/2022 RUNOFF? Then, you’ll click on the link which reads, “N0014.”
Then, you’ll see your Sample Ballot details!
Actually… that’s my Sample Ballot. Please go find your own…